COVID-19 Precautionary Measures in Austria (12 July Update)

Can a resident enter the country?

  • Yes

  • Citizens and residents can enter, including those living in the same household (i.e. holders of a “Meldezettel”).

Can a foreigner enter the country?

  • Yes with exceptions

  • Entry into Austria is restricted to citizens of the European Union and EFTA countries.

  • Entry bans for non-EU/EFTA citizens remain unless arriving from the Schengen Area or Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, United States, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Macau, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Brunei, Canada, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar.

  • Entry is allowed for travellers in the following categories:

  • EU nationals, EEA nationals, and those living in the same household. Citizens of Switzerland, Andora, Monaco, and San Marino and their household members are allowed entry.

  • Diplomats, employees of international organizations, humanitarian forces, and travellers with special permission by the government and their household members.

  • Passengers travelling on business, visiting their life partner, for studies or to do research at an Austrian university or college.

  • Other categories of travellers as approved by the Austrian government. More details and exceptions can be found here.

  • All travellers must obtain pre-travel clearance.

  • Travellers from the following countries are permitted to enter only for essential reasons and are subject to additional entry restrictions: Botswana, Brazil, Eswatini, India, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Russia, South Africa, the United Kingdom, Uruguay, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

Is transit allowed through the country?

  • Yes

  • Travellers may transit through Austria. A PCR test certificate is not required if the traveller is not stopping over in Austria and has an onward reservation.

Is a test required on arrival?

  • No with exceptions

  • A test on arrival is not mandatory at a border crossing.

  • Travellers unable to present documents certifying a negative COVID test, proof of vaccination, or proof of a past COVID infection are required to take a PCR or antigen test within 24 hours of arrival in Austria. Children less than 10 years of age are exempt from the testing requirements.

  • Health screening measures are in place at all the entry points, including airports.

Is a test certificate accepted?

  • Yes

  • Test certificates obtained outside of Austria are accepted. Test certificate must be in German or English.

Test certificate required?

  • Yes with exceptions

  • Arriving travellers are required to present one of three documents either in English or German to enter Austria:

  • A negative COVID-19 test certificate from a PCR test no older than 72 hours OR an antigen test no older than 48 hours. Tests need to be issued by a medical authority. Self-tests are valid for 24 hours only if the result is entered into an official data processing system (except Vienna). The 48/72 hours are calculated from when the test was administered. Children under the age of 12 are exempted from this requirement.

  • A vaccine certificate. Travellers are considered “vaccinated” starting on the 22nd day after their first dose, lasting for 90 days from the vaccination date. After the second dose, the validity extends for another 270 days (i.e. the vaccination is then valid for 360 days total from the first vaccination date). Vaccines that only require one dose are valid from the 22nd day after that dose and for 270 days from the vaccination date. This also applies to people who have had COVID before and received only one dose of any vaccine.

  • Documentary proof of past infection. Travellers can enter Austria for 6 months after a prior COVID-19 infection. Proof of antibodies is valid for 3 months from the test date.

  • Travellers arriving from Botswana, Brazil, Eswatini, India, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Russia, South Africa, the United Kingdom, Uruguay, Zambia, and Zimbabwe must present a negative COVID-19 certificate from a PCR test administered no later than 72 hours before arrival in Austria.

  • Regular cross-border commuters need a negative PCR or an antigen test certificate no older than seven days.

Is quarantine required on arrival?

  • No with exceptions

  • Travellers from Botswana, Brazil, Eswatini, India, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Russia, South Africa, the United Kingdom, Uruguay, Zambia, and Zimbabwe and those who have spent any time in these countries in the previous 10 days are required to enter quarantine for 10 days. Travellers can take PCR tests after 5 days to end the quarantine early, subject to testing negative for COVID-19.

  • Travellers arriving from countries with a low incidence rate of COVID-19 and who have spent the past 10 days in these countries are not required to enter quarantine if they present either a negative COVID-19 certificate, a vaccine certificate, or a certificate confirming a prior COVID-19 infection within the last six months.

  • This list currently includes most European countries and some non-European countries (Australia, Israel, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Macau, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Brunei, Canada, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United States).

  • Travellers from all other countries, presenting a negative COVID-19 or proof of a past infection certificate on arrival, will be required to enter a 10-day quarantine. Such travellers can undertake a PCR test after 5 days to end quarantine early, subject to testing negative for COVID-19.

  • Travellers who can show proof of full vaccination (starting on the 15th day after their second dose) are exempted from the requirement to quarantine.

  • Children up to the age of 17 are able to enter Austria with no need to quarantine if accompanied by their fully vaccinated parents, but from the ages of 12 to 17 they also have to show proof of a negative test/past infection/vaccination.

  • Humanitarian personnel, business travellers, those travelling for professional purposes, accompanying persons for medical purposes, those travelling to perform a mandatory duty imposed by a court or by other authorities are exempt from quarantine, provided that they present a negative COVID-19 test certificate and the pre-travel clearance form.

    NOTE: The exception to the quarantine obligation no longer applies to other business travellers, commuters / seasonal workers, regular visitors to a partner, and students entering from virus variant countries (Botswana, Brazil, Eswatini, India, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Russia, South Africa, the United Kingdom, Uruguay, Zambia, and Zimbabwe).

  • Based on the above restrictions, travellers will either be exempted from quarantine or be required to spend up to a maximum of 10 days in quarantine, depending on their travel history and vaccination status.

Vaccination required?

  • No

  • A vaccination for COVID-19 is not required for entry into the country.

  • Travellers presenting valid proof of a COVID-19 vaccination certificate are eligible for exemption from mandatory quarantine on arrival in Austria unless they are arriving from Botswana, Brazil, Eswatini, India, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Russia, South Africa, the United Kingdom, Uruguay, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

  • Travellers are considered “vaccinated” starting on the 22nd day after their first dose, lasting for 90 days from the vaccination date. After the second dose, the validity extends for another 270 days (i.e. the vaccination is then valid for 360 days total from the first vaccination date). Vaccines that only require one dose are valid from the 22nd day after that dose and for 270 days from the vaccination date. This also applies to people who have had COVID before and received only one dose of any vaccine. The following vaccines (including mix-and-match vaccines) are recognized: BioNTech/Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, and Sinopharm. (Please be aware that this only applies to entering the country. Sinopharm is not valid for entering hotels, restaurants, etc. within Austria).

Is insurance required?

  • No

  • Proof of insurance coverage for COVID-19 expenses is not required to enter the country.

Recommended Border App

Entry form required?

  • Yes

  • Incoming passengers must complete an entry declaration form.

  • All passengers need to present a “Declaration of Quarantine” form before arriving.

  • Passengers must present a completed pre-travel clearance form upon arrival. The clearance form can be obtained here. Regular cross-border commuters have to obtain pre-travel clearance every 28 days.

  • Travellers arriving from countries with a low incidence rate of COVID-19 and who have spent the past 10 days in these countries are exempted from pre-travel clearance if they present either a negative COVID-19 certificate, a vaccine certificate, or a certificate confirming a prior COVID-19 infection.

Airline restrictions

  • Minimal

  • International and domestic flights are operating with reduced capacity.

Border restrictions

  • Moderate

  • Non-essential travel is discouraged.

  • Arrivals from safe countries outside the EU are allowed entry without restrictions.

Curfew restrictions

  • Moderate

  • There is no nationwide curfew in place.

Social restrictions

  • Moderate

  • Physical distancing norms should be strictly followed. People are required to keep a minimum distance of 2 meters (6.5 ft) from people from other households.

  • An “entry test” is required to visit catering establishments, hotels, and sports and leisure facilities, events. Individuals who can prove they have been vaccinated against COVID-19, have recovered from COVID-19, or have been recently tested for COVID-19 will meet the requirements for the “Entry test”. More information can be found here.

  • Indoor gatherings are limited to eight people, and outdoor gatherings are limited to 16 people.

  • From 22 July, there will be no more capacity restrictions.

Internal travel restrictions

  • Moderate

  • Local, regional, and long-distance transport are operating throughout Austria.

  • At this time, travellers need a negative PCR test result not older than 72 hours or an antigen test not older than 48 hours to leave certain Austrian regions with high COVID-19 numbers. The list of regions and municipalities that require an exit test can be found here.

Non-essential shops open?

  • Yes

  • Non-essential shops are open with an FFP2 mask requirement for all customers.

Accommodations open?

  • Yes

  • Hotels are allowed to operate with strict protective measures enforced such as entry testing and mandatory registration. From 23 July, visitors will no longer need to register.

Restaurants open?

  • Yes

  • Restaurants are open with strict protective measures enforced, such as entry testing and mandatory registration. From 23 July, visitors will no longer need to register.

Bars and cafes open?

  • Yes

  • Bars and cafes are open with strict protective measures enforced, such as entry testing and mandatory registration. From 23 July, visitors will no longer need to register.

Beaches and tourism sites open?

  • No with exceptions

  • Ski areas will be allowed to operate for day skiers and locals only.

  • Cable cars are operating.

Museums and heritage sites open?

  • Yes with exceptions

  • Recreational facilities are allowed to open with strict protective measures enforced such as entry tests and pre-registration.

  • Museums and zoos are open, but with an FFP2 mask requirement for all visitors.

Personal care services open?

  • Yes

  • Personal care services may reopen. A negative COVID-19 test will be required for customers.

Places of worship open?

  • Yes

  • Places of worship may open. The regulation that applies to religious events is excluded from the currently applicable regulations on events. However, in consultation with the health authorities, churches and religious communities have tightened their COVID-19 prevention measures. Visitors are advised to contact their church or religious community for detailed information on the respective measures and regulations.

Events allowed?

  • Yes

  • Events are allowed. There are no capacity restrictions.

  • To attend cultural events (but not for museum visits), travellers will need to show either a negative COVID test or proof that they have been vaccinated or have had COVID. Concerts are allowed to take place again with strict protective measures in place

Masks required in public?

  • Yes

  • FFP2 masks are required on public transport and in other public spaces. Children under 6 years of age are not required to wear masks.


  • Essential businesses, car repair shops, gas stations, newsagents, pharmacies, post offices, and supermarkets are allowed to operate.

Advice For Travellers

The COVID-19 epidemic is constantly changing worldwide. Travel and border restrictions may change with little or no notice. Airlines may have their own requirements for testing, masking, and distancing. It is recommended that travellers carry a supply of face masks since the requirement can vary by location. It is recommended that travellers practice social distancing and maintain a 6-foot distance from other individuals and avoid crowded areas. Check with your airline, booking agent, or country's embassy for information on your specific travel plans.